20 APRIL 2024 08.30 – 13.00
University of Luxembourg
Belval Campus
Maison des Arts et Etudiants (MAE), 4th Floor
Are you passionate about music?
Would you like to share your passion?
Then maybe becoming a music teacher
is something for you!
The University of Luxembourg offers a Bachelor in Music
Education, training the teachers of the future.
We invite you to our first Impulse Day,
to explore what our program offers,
to immerse in music making and
to explore the world of music education.
08.30 Coffee
09.00 Welcome by Luc Nijs,
Introduction and fun activity to get
to know each other.
09.30 Session 1: Music & Movement,
by Emma Shubin
10.15 Session 2: Creative music making 1
by Eric Falchero
(no instrument)
11.00 Break
11.15 Session 3: ICT in music education
by Joel Heyard
12.00 Session 4: Collaborative & creative music making
by Jeannot Sanavia
(bring your instrument)
12.45 Closing session & reception (also for parents)
before 10/04/2024